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Internet and Online Security Solutions

Internet and Online Security
Bellvue and Fort Collins residents now have a practical solution provider for Internet and online Security. Internet access is a key component for most computer owners, but it comes with security risks. Viruses, trojans, worms, hostile java applets, adware, malware, and hacking are things that every computer that accesses the internet is exposed to. DSL and cable modems increase these risks. Protect yourself with our Internet Security Optimization service and Anti-Virus software.

Altitude Data offers a complete line of low cost internet security and optimization solutions all of which are designed around your individual needs. See below for a partial listing of services offered.

Internet Security and Optimization Services

Is Internet and Online Security Necessary?

When a computer connects to a network and begins communicating with other computers, it is essentially taking a risk. Internet security involves the protection of a computer's Internet account and files from intrusion of an unknown user. Basic Internet security measures involve protection by well selected passwords, change of file permissions and back up of computer's data.

Security concerns are in some ways peripheral to normal business working, but serve to highlight just how important it is that business users feel confident when using IT systems. Security will probably always be high on the IT agenda simply because cyber criminals know that a successful attack can be very profitable. This means they will always strive to find new ways to circumvent Internet security, and users will consequently need to be continually vigilant. Whenever decisions need to be made about how to enhance a system, security will need to be held uppermost among its requirements.

Some apparently useful programs also contain features with hidden malicious intent. Such programs are known as Malware, Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Spyware and Bots

  • Malware is the most general name for any malicious software designed for example to infiltrate, spy on or damage a computer or other programmable device or system of sufficient complexity, such as a home or office computer system, network, mobile phone, PDA, automated device or robot.
  • Viruses are programs which are able to replicate their structure or effect by integrating themselves or references to themselves, etc into existing files or structures on a penetrated computer. They usually also have a malicious or humorous payload designed to threaten or modify the actions or data of the host device or system without consent. For example by deleting, corrupting or otherwise hiding information from its owner.
  • Trojans (Trojan Horses) are programs which may pretend to do one thing, but in reality steal information, alter it or cause other problems on a such as a computer or programmable device / system.
  • Spyware includes programs that surreptitiously monitor keystrokes, or other activity on a computer system and report that information to others without consent.
  • Worms are programs which are able to replicate themselves over a (possibly extensive) computer network, and also perform malicious acts that may ultimately affect a whole society / economy.
  • Bots are programs that take over and use the resources of a computer system over a network without consent, and communicate those results to others who may control the Bots.

The above concepts overlap and they can obviously be combined. The terminology, along with the dangers involved, are constantly evolving.

Antivirus programs and Internet security programs are useful in protecting a computer or programmable device / system from malware.

Such programs are used to detect and usually eliminate viruses. Anti-virus software can be purchased or downloaded via the Internet. Care should be taken in selecting anti-virus software, as some programs are not as effective as others in finding and eliminating viruses or malware. Also, when downloading anti-virus software from the Internet, one should be cautious as some websites say they are providing protection from viruses with their software, but are really trying to install malware on your computer by disguising it as something else. Altitude Data knows Malware removal and will get you up and running securely in no time.